Publications and Presentations
Journal Articles
J6. Bierlen, Ralph, Eric J. Wailes, Gail L. Cramer. "Domestic Reforms and Regional Integration: Can Argentina and Uruguay Increase Non-Mercosur Rice Exports?" Agribusiness Vol. 12, No. 5,473-484(1996).
J5. Gao, X., Gail L. Cramer, and Eric J. Wailes, "Double Hurdle Model with Bivariate Normal Errors: An Application to U.S. Rice Demand," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 27(2), (December, 1995):1-7.
J4. Fan, Shenggen, Eric J. Wailes, and Gail L. Cramer, "The Impact of Trade Liberalization on China's Rice Sector," Agricultural Economics 11(1994):71-81.
J3. Gao, X.M., Eric J. Wailes and Gail L. Cramer, "A Synthetic Demand System: An Application to U.S. Consumer Demand for Rice and Selected Rice Substitutes," Review of Agricultural Economics 16(1):13-24 (January, 1994).
J2. Cramer, Gail L., Eric J. Wailes and Shangnan Shui, "The Impacts of Liberalizing Trade in the World Rice Market," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(February 1993):219-226.
J1. Cramer, Gail L., Eric Wailes and Bruce Gardner and Bill Lin, "Regulation in the U.S. Rice Industry, 1965-1987." American Journal Agricultural Economics(November, 1990):1056-1065.
Books, Monographs and Major Research Reports
B10. Velupillai, L., D. Mahin, J. Warshaw, and E. Wailes. A Study of the Market for Rice Husk-to-Energy Systems and Equipment. Final Report. U.S. Dept. of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. 1996. Accepted for publication as a book by the Louisiana State University Press, forthcoming, 1997.
B9. Wailes, Eric, Gail Cramer, Eddie Chavez and James Hansen. "Baseline Projections of Global Rice Trade, Production, Consumption, and Price for 1996-2010." Third Workshop on Projections and Policy Implications of Rice Supply and Demand in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and US. Dec. 15, 1996 Kobe, Japan.
B8. Wailes, Eric. "Analysis of Trends in World Rice Consumption, Production, Trade and Prices." Final Symposium for Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Government of Japan. Dec. 17, 1996. Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
B7. Wailes, Eric, Gail Cramer, Eddie Chavez and James Hansen. "Analysis and Projections of Global Rice Trade." in Biotechnology, Post-Harvest Technology and Supply Projection of Rice. Proceedings, International Symposium. Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea, November 15, 1996.
B6. Wailes, Eric J. "International Rice Baseline Projections, 1995-2010." Second Workshop on Projections and Policy Implications of Rice Supply and Demand in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and USA. Waseda University, Tokyo. Dec. 16-18, 1995. Published in Projections and Policy Implications of Supply and Demand of Rice in South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and U.S.A. An Interim Report of an International Scientific Research Program of Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Government of Japan, March, 1996.
B5. Wailes, Eric, M. Ragaa El Amir, M. Hamdi Salem. Analysis of Egypt’s Rice Marketing System. DATEX, Inc. Alexandria, VA under contract to USAID, Cairo. March, 1996.
B4. Wailes, Eric J. "Rice" in Quality of U.S. Agricultural Products, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Task Force Report No. 126, January, 1996. pp. 64-85.
B3. Wailes, Eric J., Kenneth B. Young, Shenggen Fan, Lucas D. Parsch, Mohamed Ragaa El Amir, Mostafa Abdel Ghani, and Esmail Gamal El Din. Impacts of Agricultural Policy Reforms on Egypt's Rice Production, Milling, Marketing, and Trade. USAID Contract No. 263-0202-C-00-3117-00 Project No. 263-0202-3-91148. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. 1994.
B2. Wailes, Eric, Kenneth Young and Gail Cramer. "The East Asian Rice Economy After GATT." Chapter in Luther Tweeten and Hsin-Hui Hsu, eds. Changing Trade Environment After GATT: A Case Study of Taiwan. Council of Agriculture, Republic of China, Taipei. 1994.
B1. Wailes, E.J., K.B. Young and Gail L. Cramer, "Rice and Food Security in Japan: An American Perspective, Chapter 19 in Luther Tweeten et al eds., Japan & American Agriculture: Tradition and Progress in Conflict. Westview Press, Inc. 1993. 16 p.
Research Bulletins
R10. Young, Kenneth B., Gail L. Cramer, and Eric J. Wailes. An Economic Assessment of the Myanmar Rice Sector. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 958, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. February, 1998. 88 p.
R9. Bierlen, Ralph, Eric Wailes, and Gail Cramer. The Mercosur Rice Economy. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 954, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. July, 1997. 59 p.
R8. Setia, Parveen, Nathan Childs, Eric Wailes, and Janet Livezey. The U.S. Rice Industry. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Agricultural Economic Report Number 700. Washington, DC September, 1994. 162 p.
R7. Young, Kenneth B., Eric J. Wailes, Gail L. Cramer. Economic Analysis of Rice Bran Oil Processing and Potential Use in the United States. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 943, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. September, 1994.
R6. Cramer, Gail L., K.B. Young and Eric J. Wailes. Mexico's Rice Market: Current Status and Prospects for U.S. Trade. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 935, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. April, 1993.
R5. Wailes, Eric J., Shoichi Ito and Gail L. Cramer. Japan's Rice Market, Policies and Prospects for Trade Liberalization. Arkansas Experiment Station Report Series 319, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. January, 1991.
R4. Smith, Randy, Eric J. Wailes and Gail L. Cramer. The Structure of the U.S. Rice Industry. Arkansas Experiment Station Bulletin 921, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. February, 1990. 94 p.
R3. Wailes, Eric J. and Shelby H. Holder. Cost Models and An Analysis of Modern Rice Mills. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 907, University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR. December, 1987. 61 p.
R2. Holder, Shelby H. and Eric J. Wailes. An Economic Analysis of Commercial Rice Drying and Storage Facilities. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 883. University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR. September, 1985. 56 p.
R1. Wailes, Eric J., Shelby H. Holder and William P. Welch. An Economic Analysis of On-Farm Rice Drying and Storage Facilities. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 875. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. November, 1984. 30 p.
Special Reports
S4. Wailes, Eric J., Gail L. Cramer, Eddie C. Chavez, and James Hansen. Arkansas Global Rice Model--International Baseline Projections for 1997-2010. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 177, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, July, 1997. 46 p.
S3. Wailes, Eric J., Gail L. Cramer, and Eddie C. Chavez. Arkansas Global Rice Model--International Baseline Projections for 1995. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 168, University of Arkansas July, 1995. 30 p.
S2. Wailes, Eric J., Gail L. Cramer, and Shenggen Fan. Arkansas Rice Model, 1994 International Baseline Projections. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 164, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. 1994.
S1. Cramer, Gail L. Eric J. Wailes, John M. Goroski and Stanley S. Phillips. The Impact of Liberalizing Trade on the world Rice Market: A Spatial Model including Rice Quality. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Special Report 153, University of Arkansas. November, 1991.
Other Reports
O22. Lee, Dae-Seob, Eric J. Wailes, and Jim M. Hansen, "From Minimum Access to Tariffication of Rice Imports in Japan and South Korea," Forthcoming Paper, AAEA Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2-5, 1998.
O21. Jiang, Bingrong, Linwood Hoffman, Eric Wailes, Gail Cramer and David Neff, "Market Performance of Rough Rice Futures," the 27th Rice Tech. Working Group Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O20. Young, Kenneth B. and Gail L. Cramer, "Competitiveness of Guyana's Rice Industry," the 27th Rice Tech. Working Group Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O19. Fang, C., Gail L. Cramer, and Eric J. Wailes, "Regional Difference in Food Consumption of Urban China," the 27th Rice Tech. Working Group Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O18. Cramer, Gail L., Eric J. Wailes, Eddie C. Chavez, and James M. Hansen, "Arkansas Global Rice Model: Projections for United States and World Rice Production, Consumption and Trade," Rice Tech. Working Group (RTWG), Sparks/Reno, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O17. Cramer, Gail L., James Hansen, and Eric J. Wailes, "El Nino's Effects on Global Rice Production, Consumption, and Trade," the 27th Rice Tech. Working Group Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O16. Chavez, Eddie C., Eric J. Wailes, and Gail L. Cramer, "Analysis of the Welfare Impact of Discontinuing the Use of Selected Pesticides in U.S. Rice Production," the 27th Rice Tech. Working Group Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O15. Bingrong, Jiang, Eric J. Wailes, Gail L. Cramer, and David Neff, "Economic Performance of the Rough Rice Futures," paper at the 27th Rice Tech. Working Group Meeting, Reno/Sparks, NV, March 1-4, 1998.
O14. Hansen, James M., Eric J. Wailes, and Gail Cramer, "The Impacts of El Nino on World Rice Production, Consumption and Trade," Selected Paper, SAEA Conference, Little Rock, AR, February 1-4, 1998.
O13. Young, Kenneth B., Eric J. Wailes and Jim Smartt, "Analyzing Conjunctive Use of On-Farm Reservoirs and Irrigation Wells in the Arkansas Delta," SAEA Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Feb. 1998.
O12. Cramer, Gail L., Eric J. Wailes, Eddie C. Chavez, and Karen Strain, "Impact of a Substantial Price Shock on the World and U.S. Rice Markets: Results from the Arkansas Global Rice Model," SAEA Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Feb1-4, 1998.
O11. Chavez, Eddie C., Eric J. Wailes, and Gail L. Cramer, "Analysis of the Welfare Impact of Discontinuing the Use of Selected Pesticides in U.S. Rice Production," Selected paper, SAEA Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Feb 1-4, 1998.
O10. Wailes, Eric. "The U.S. Rice Industry." in Encyclopedia of Rural America. North Dakota University Press. forthcoming, 1998.
O9. Hansen, James M., Ralph Bierlen, Eric J. Wailes, and Gail Cramer, "The Impacts of Regional Integration and Unilateral Reforms: The World Rice Market and Expanded MERCOSUR Trade," Selected Paper, IAAE Conference, Sacramento, CA, August 10-16, 1997.
O8. Hansen, James M., Ralph Bierlen, Eric J. Wailes, and Gail L. Cramer, "The Impact of Regional Integration in International Markets: The World Rice Market and Expanded MERCOSUR Trade," AAEA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 27-30, 1997.
O7. Wailes, Eric and Wayne Gauthier. "U.S. Rice Milling Industry: Structural Changes and Performance." NC-186 Regional Research Committee. 1997.
O6. Wailes, Eric J. "U.S. Rice Policy: Its Impact on the World Rice Market." World Rice Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 20-22, 1996.
O5. Wailes, E.J., G.L. Cramer, X.M. Gao, and K.B. Young. "Factors affecting demand for rice in the United States," Arkansas Farm Research, 43(4):10-11, 1994.
O4. Young, K.B., E.J. Wailes and G.L. Cramer. "Rice bran oil processing costs and returns," Arkansas Farm Research, 43(6):8-9, 1994.
O3. Young, K.B. G.L. Cramer and E.J. Wailes. "Potential Effects of NAFTA on Mexico’s Rice Market." Arkansas Farm Research, 42(No. 3):4-5, May/June 1993.
O2. Blackmon, David W., Shangnan Shui, Gail L. Cramer and Eric J. Wailes, "Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness Among Major Rice Producing Countries," Arkansas Farm Research, Dec. 1991.
O1. Wailes, Eric J. and Janet Livezey, "U.S. Rice Imports and Domestic Use," Rice Situation and Outlook, USDA, ERS. RS-62. 1991.
A13. Wailes, E.J., G. Cramer, E. Chavez. "An Analysis of Alternative World Rice Export Growth Scenarios by Quality." 26th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. February 25-28, 1996, San Antonio, TX. (abstract in Proceedings)
A12. Bierlen, R., E. Wailes, G. Cramer. "National Economic Reforms and Regional Integration: Can Argentina and Uruguay Increase Non-Mercosur Rice Exports?" 26th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. February 25-28, 1996, San Antonio, TX. (abstract in Proceedings)
A11. Young, K., G. Cramer, E. Wailes. "Rice Situation in Myanmar." 26th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. February 225-28, 1996, San Antonio, TX.(abstract in Proceedings)
A10. Wang, J., E. Wailes, G. Cramer. "Factors Affecting a Rice Farmer’s Decision on Choice and Level of Program Participation." 26th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. February 25-28, 1996. San Antonio, TX.(abstract in Proceedings)
A9. Wailes, E., G. Cramer, and E Chavez. "Global Policy Analysis of U.S. Rice Programs." 26th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. February 25-28, 1996. San Antonio, TX.(abstract in Proceedings)
A8. Franco, F.R, E.J. Wailes, and G.L. Cramer. "Effects of NAFTA on Rice Trade." 25th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March 5-9, 1994. Proceedings, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Texas A&M, College Station, TX.
A7. Wailes, E.J., S. Fan, G.L. Cramer, and E. Chavez. "Changes in U.S. Competitiveness in the World Rice Economy." 25th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. March 5-9, 1994. Proceedings, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Texas A&M, College Station, TX.
A6. Gao, X.M., E.J. Wailes, and G.L. Cramer. "U.S. Consumer Demand for Rice and Selected Substitutes." 25th Rice Technical Working Group. New Orleans, LA. March 5-9, 1994. Proceedings, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Texas A&M, College Station, TX.
A5. Eric J. Wailes, Shui Shangnan, and Gail L. Cramer, "Dynamics of the U.S. Rice Price and Farm Programs: A Cointegration Analysis," American Agricultural Economics Meetings, Baltimore, Aug. 1992. (Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Dec. 1992)
A4. Shui, S., Gail L. Cramer and E.J. Wailes, "Export Demand for U.S. Rice: Does Quality Matter?" American Agricultural Economics Meetings, Baltimore, Aug. 1992. (Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Dec. 1992)
A3. Livezey, Janet and Eric J. Wailes. "Analysis of U.S. Rice Imports," 24th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Feb. 1992. (abstract in Proceedings)
A2. Young, Ken, G.L. Cramer and Eric J. Wailes, "Prospects for Improved Marketing of Rice By-Products," 24th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Feb. 1992. (abstract in Proceedings)
A1. Cramer, G.L., E.J. Wailes and S. Shui, "Impact of Liberalizing Trade in World Rice Market," 24th Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, Little Rock, AR, Feb. 1992. (abstract in Proceedings)